February 16th 2022

We are participating in Free Wills Month

We are very excited to announce that Welland Valley Legal are supporting free Wills month this year.

The campaign is open to anybody aged 55 and over and is designed to encourage people to leave a gift in their Will to charities (though there isn’t an obligation to do so).

We will be offering 25 slots to over 55s for a free Will.

The free Wills are basic Wills without any trust provisions. If, however, your circumstance requires a more complex Will, you will get between £50-£100 discount on the price of what that kind of Will would be.

It is an excellent opportunity if you fit the criteria to get your Wills done for FREE and by a qualified solicitor. In addition, you will be helping to support a number of charities who rely so heavily on legacies in Wills.

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